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good stuff
is right here

in Lubbock, TX

What is good stuff lbk?

Founded by Nick Hay, Good Stuff LBK is an event directory for the Lubbock community focused on promoting arts, culture, music, entertainment, and food. After years of hearing people say “There’s nothing to do here”, we decided to make it easier for people to find events and food truck locations throughout the city all in one place. It’s free for anyone to use and free to submit your event! The truth is, Lubbock is one of the best communities in the world. There’s plenty of Good Stuff happening every day throughout the city for everyone. Now it’s easier to see what’s happening all in one place!

Nick has great experience working with several marketing agencies, festival productions, KTXT, Blnka, and nonprofit event coordinations. He’s taken those experiences to help create a platform that can benefit organizers, artists, and community members of all ages!

To help cover the costs of operating the site, we are accepting a limited amount of advertisers. As the platform continues to grow, event organizers and hosts will be able to pay a small fee to ensure your event is featured in key areas throughout our site.

Looking for more information, or want to advertise on our site?